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October 27, 2010



This, too, shall pass. Even if right now it doesn't seem like it. Take care of yourself, ok?

Lori Anderson

Oh no. I'm so sorry. I've been there.


I'm sorry to hear this too. It must be very hard for you. I hope your creativity gets a chance to flourish again very soon.

Your jewellery is inspiring and beautiful :)

Dee x


Just a greeting and a word of encouragement. Sometimes things like this are "a gift in a stinking package." My creativity bloomed when I moved on, and I hope that will happen for you. Love your etsy shop, and thanks for making me a favorite! Priscilla, readbetweenlines


I had a very devasting event last year, that turned life upside down for me. It does steal your creativity, but know that it will pass, it has been just over a year and I feel that slowly mine has/is returning. you too will recover. your not alone, even when it seem like it..

Jen Baye

I'm so sorry, hon. I divorced a few years ago, and it sucked all the energy out of my life. The good news is that it does get better. Just remember, the only way out of hell, once you're there, is through.

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