1}shrinkplatic -unsanded
2}something to cute with, I use a paper cutter as I can't cut a straight line to save my live
3} gel medium matt
4}paint brush
5} collage materials
6}sandpaper and a flat bastard file
First cut the shrink platic to the size you want. These are cut to 2 1/2 inches square
2} Bake as per instuctions
3}Now I sand one side to give it tooth, this helps the paper stick to the shrink plastic .
4} I also file the edges to give them a nice rounded shape
5} now you glue your collage images down. I usually glue them down then cut then to shape. I find it easier this way.
6} coat the collaged images with at least three layers of gel medium. This way when you add the resin the images won't discolor.
next part wil come soon. I need to pick up a few more supplies.